Richard Miller has been work in Information Technology for around 30 years. He has worked in many areas including helpdesk, systems administration, management and project management. Richard started Tech Friendly to provide effective and informative support to local businesses and non-profits.
Maurice Moss is a renowned expert in hardware and software. He joined our team in 2000, after serving as an IT Department Manager at Reynholm Industries for 10 years. Maurice is on sabbatical at present.
If you would like to join our team as a technician, send your resume to the e-mail address | IT Checkup!As a special introductory offer for new clients we offer an IT checkup for your systems. What you get:
From that we provide you with a written personalized report of your IT systems and any recommendations we may have with no obligations on your part.
It costs $100 plus $10 per computer over the first. Lorem
Free Callout for 2022 within St. AlbertWe are offering free callout within St. Albert for 2022! Lorem |